Research Interests
Motivation and emotion are two psychological factors with great influence on athlete behavior and well-being. Without motivation, there is no human behavior to observe. Without emotion, it is difficult to understand the importance of an event or an individual’s experience. It was during my study of motivation and emotion that I began to contemplate questions that constantly emerged as I read the literature. Specifically, I asked: (1) what is inspiration and how does inspiration impact motivation? and (2) how does one develop psychological resilience and how does psychological resilience work to sustain behavior and well-being? It is with these questions in mind that I formulated my research lines. In pursuing these two primary lines of research, I aim to improve the human condition in athletic and performance settings.
Peer Reviewed ArticlesTimm, K., Kamphoff, C., Galli, N., & Gonzalez, S. P. (in press). Resilience in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. The Sport Psychologist.
Gonzalez, S. P., Detling, N., & Galli, N. (in press). Case studies of developing resilience in elite sport: Applying theory to guide interventions. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. Gonzalez, S. P., Moore, E. W., Newton, M., & Galli, N. (2016). Validity and reliability of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in competitive sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 23, 31-39. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.10.005 Galli, N. & Gonzalez, S. P. (2015). Psychological resilience in sport: A review of the literature and implications for research and practice. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13, 243-257. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2014.946947 Gonzalez, S. P., Metzler, J. N., & Newton, M. (2011). The influence of a simulated ‘pep talk’ on athlete inspiration, situational motivation, and emotion. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 6(3), 445-459. Graf, H., Melton, B., & Gonzalez, S. P. (2010). A qualitative study of stressors, stress symptoms, and coping mechanisms among college students using nominal group process. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 2010, 5(1), 24-37. Sorenson, L., Czech, D. R., Gonzalez, S. P., Kline, J., & Lachowetz, T. (2008). Listen up! The experience of music in sport: A phenomenological investigation. Athletic Insight: The Journal of Sport Psychology, 10 (2). Available online: Gentner, N. B., McGraw, T. J., Gonzalez, S. P., & Czech, D. (2008). An examination of pre-service routines of elite tennis players. The Sport Journal, (4). Available online: Book ChaptersGonzalez, S. P., Cannole, I., Mugford, A., & Taylor, J. (in preparation). Consultant effectiveness. In J. Taylor (Ed.) Assessments in Sport Psychology Consulting. Champaign, IL., USA: Human Kinetics.
Gonzalez, S. P., Smith-Machin, A. L., & Cogan, K. D. (2013). Diversity in Sport. In J. Van Raalte and B. Brewer (Eds.) Exploring Exercise and Sport Psychology (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C., USA: American Psychological Association. |

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